~i've watched this movie on friday 5/6/09 at gsc One Utama... *kekdahnyerr tgk mubi kat tmpt keje sndirik kenzz???... mwahahhahaa.... watching it with Mr. IQ..... actually i wanna experience da cinema at gsc there so dat i can say if they seated at the front it would be okay for them... but seriously dude, it was suck if u gotta have to seat at da front.....
~this movie is kinda good.... love the story, love the casting and dialogue is kinda funny at tyme.... not bad... especially da scene between da principal an da wealthy software genius nerd Ned Freedman... at first da principal kinda reluctant to date him bcoz he's da father of zac efron (kwn dier yg jd muda balek teww....)... masa gi date, leh plak citer pasal LOTR and xpsl dua2 eko nieh dok speaking elvish words... siyesly cam haram xleh blah....
p/s: malas nk review pepjg citer nieh.... penat keje kat gsc nun.... layan customer yg ntah pape... tp plg aq benchii, org bwat reservation xreti nk amek movie... ksian org2 yg nk beli tiket nieh... trpksa lerr tnggu 30 mins b4 show baru reserved seats teww akn direleased... dh bratur pepjg gilerr babeng trpksa bratur lg... memane yg aq rasa cam ksian teww aq just borak2 jelah dgn dorg smntara nk tnggu bbrape mins b4 released seat teww... baek gak aq nie kenzz??? mwahahhahaha... *matilah dok self-absorbed ajerr... hahahah
~this movie is kinda good.... love the story, love the casting and dialogue is kinda funny at tyme.... not bad... especially da scene between da principal an da wealthy software genius nerd Ned Freedman... at first da principal kinda reluctant to date him bcoz he's da father of zac efron (kwn dier yg jd muda balek teww....)... masa gi date, leh plak citer pasal LOTR and xpsl dua2 eko nieh dok speaking elvish words... siyesly cam haram xleh blah....
p/s: malas nk review pepjg citer nieh.... penat keje kat gsc nun.... layan customer yg ntah pape... tp plg aq benchii, org bwat reservation xreti nk amek movie... ksian org2 yg nk beli tiket nieh... trpksa lerr tnggu 30 mins b4 show baru reserved seats teww akn direleased... dh bratur pepjg gilerr babeng trpksa bratur lg... memane yg aq rasa cam ksian teww aq just borak2 jelah dgn dorg smntara nk tnggu bbrape mins b4 released seat teww... baek gak aq nie kenzz??? mwahahhahaha... *matilah dok self-absorbed ajerr... hahahah
baek ade makne tu...motif berborak lama ngan customer..?tetttt!! hik3
taw pown....
kalu pkwe hensem terus mntk num. tepon dah...
xder selindung2 lg...
g tgk movie tak ajak aku.
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